Transformation stories provide insight into the perception of the organization among employees and clients. This enables the introduction of organizational change. By collecting these stories, we provide answers to questions that will help to implement change. Answering these questions helps to reveal the dominant patterns of interaction within the organization. These patterns are subsequently compared to the organization’s mission in an effort to discover, together, whether and to what extent these patterns contribute to the goals we have set as an organization.
Storytelling has helped to increase the empathy of police officers for victims
The Dutch national police force is confronted with new standards in the area of victim care. Police officers are tasked with putting these standards into practice as best they can. The objective is to provide victims with better information and to treat and protect them better. Police officers attend special training courses for this purpose. In addition, Tempesta was called in to deliver a course in storytelling. Strategic storytelling is a perfect and impactful way to portray situations from daily practice. This has helped tremendously to increase the empathy of police officers for victims.
Using storytelling, we help the national police force to approach victim care from the perspectives of four target groups:
- Police officers
- Victims
- Internal victims (police officers with personal experience as victims)
- Stakeholders
We involve employees in the change process
In storytelling, you learn from people’s stories about their experience and you involve employees in the change process. We invited police officers to look at victim care from their own perspective, from the perspective of the victim (both internal and external victims), and from the perspective of the stakeholder. What is the effect on victims of the things we say or do not say? These sessions resulted in beautiful insights that reach far beyond how police officers normally interact with victims. They furthermore exposed the current safety situations within the teams, revealed how leadership impacts the attention for this topic, and clarified which other internal patterns tend to influence the attention for victims.
Moreover, we have created interventions to break patterns that are less helpful to victims. We have embedded them in the organization to ensure that the national police force can continue to use this set of interventions.
Using storytelling, we showed FrieslandCampina how important climate-neutral production is to dairy farmers
Dairy farmers associated with FrieslandCampina widely vary in how they feel about climate-neutral production. Based on interviews with dairy farmers, Tempesta offered FrieslandCampina insight into the perception of the theme and the opportunities to create support for the theme among dairy farmers.
FrieslandCampina cares deeply about corporate sustainability. This dairy cooperative wanted to know how important the theme of climate-neutral production was to their dairy farmers. They decided to invite Tempesta to use their method of storytelling to gain (more) insight into the perception of the theme and the opportunities to create support for the theme among dairy farmers.
Four different dairy farmers, four different stories
We conducted interviews with dairy farmers from four specific subgroups. These four categories each proved to have their own views on the theme of climate-neutral and sustainable milk production, as well as their own specific key argument. This key argument indicates why a certain subgroup of dairy farmers does or does not tend to invest in sustainable and climate-neutral milk production.
Based on the interviews with dairy farmers, we created four different personas
The dairy farmers choose to remain anonymous. For this reason, we created four different personas, fictional characters, based on real interviews. Their words express exactly what was said by the dairy farmers.
Storytelling for organizational development
Based on the key arguments of these four different types of dairy farmers, Tempesta advised FrieslandCampina on how they can support them in order to realize the far-reaching ambitions of the corporation in the field of sustainable, climate-neutral production.